Thursday, August 10, 2006

It All Adds Up to Terrorism

When I first read the news a couple of days ago about 11 missing Egyptian exchange students, I had my doubts regarding their "no threat" status. After all, over half had Muslim names and they all just wandered into our country without checking in to their assigned destination. My response to the reapeated assurances that these men "pose no threat" was "Yeah, whatever." I don't need a 2x4 up side my head to know when something doesn't add up.

This morning, lo and behold, the UK has thwarted a terrorist plot. AND not only that but the threat levels in this country are jacked up to the highest I can recall them being since 9/11. AND not only that but we still have 8 Egyptian men running around our country who haven't checked in to their destination. Of course the government is still telling us that these men "pose no threat." I suppose they want them turned in alive. Then I also hear how two men from Dearborn, MI were arrested this morning in Ohio. Guess what, they had airport itineraries and checkpoint information. They were immediately arrested and charged with money laundering for terroritst organizations. I wonder what else they will add to those charges before all is said and done.

As we ramp up to 9/11 it would be wise for everyone to remember that we are still waged in a battle against evil forces with people who want nothing more than to kill you unless you are willing to embrace their wild-eyed religious beliefs. We are so politically correct in this country, so afraid to lump innocents in with the guilty that we fail to speak out at all. Are we going to continue this fight or are we going to hand over the keys to the Statue of Liberty?

I hope this post makes sense to anyone reading it. I'm getting a little ticked off at the apathy we see today in many of our leaders. After all, war isn't pleasant. If it were fun, it would be a Club Med vacation destination. Instead, many of those who voted for this war are already looking to wimp out. It has taken our enemy thousands of years to achieve their takeover of so many countries, we're tired of the fight after four years.

By the way, this war has claimed lives--all wars do. We have still lost fewer fighting men and women in this war than in many of the battles fought in other wars. Read a history book people. At the very least, do a google search to read battle statistics. Our army is doing an awesome job and I have to say that I have deep respect and love for people who are willing to put their lives on the line for me and my family. God bless you all.

Let us all remember today to pray for our country and for our leaders.

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