Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Blogging Time

Thanks alot for linking to me Frank. (This is said with total sarcasm.) Now someone might actually look at my blog. Since I'm usually very opinionated, you would think the blogging thing would come naturally. Well, it would if I had alot of time to think about it.

This year has been really busy, as usual, but in a different way. This is the first year for me to be a homeschool mom. I have to say that I really am enjoying it. The funny thing is that everyone at church keeps asking me how I'm doing. I guess teaching a group of their kids in school is supposed to be easier than teaching two at home. I hate to tell them but dealing with my children is easier for me than dealing with all of their kids. If mine are being annoying I can just tell them so. Well, now that I think about it, I always told my students when they were annoying me at school too. I do miss working with my students at school and I feel that they are missing out with me not there but I had to take care of my own children first.

After the spate of school shootings that have taken place in the last few weeks, I find myself very grateful for the opportunities my children have had in their education. Most of these people wouldn't think about a school being in a church setting. Now that I'm homeschooling I don't have to worry at all. I'm with them and know they are safe. That being said, I'm not a real worrier and I do trust God to care for my children. It's just that this world is a wicked place and I'm glad I can be with my children each day. I really enjoy spending time with them. Well, I have to go for a walk with my kids now so I'll add to this post later. I have a few political observations to make.

1 comment:

VJ said...

I'm also a classroom teacher who left the classroom for home. After hearing my son call me Miss Mary (his babysitter) one too many times, I decided raising my own kids was far more important than teaching someone else's.