Thursday, October 19, 2006

I would take a stand but someone might be offended by it.

Today I read a story about a woman in Canyon Country, CA who shot a would be burgler. At first I laughed at the Sherriff who had to admit--apparently while his arm was twisted behind him--that "sometimes it pays to own a gun."

When I got to the details of the break in I could sympathize with the womans nervousness and fear. After all, she was about to discharge a firearm in California. The Lawsuit Capital of the World. The PC Capital of the World. Also, the Intolerant of Those with Traditional American Values Capital of the World.

At the end of the story I was disgusted with the response of the neighbors. They did not stand strong against the heinous crime of breaking into a innocent woman's home and threatening her in an effort to steal her possessions. This bold burgler (whose mother was waiting in the get away car--family values?) may have even committed other crimes had she not had that gun. Of course that's just speculation. He may have been the harmless Mr. Rogers kind of burgler who was just enjoying a day in the neighborhood.

One neighbor gave her somewhat wimpy support. She ended her comments by weakly asserting that she would feel fine leaving her children in the care of the poor victim. Considering that many woman dump their children off at daycares all across the country each day with little thought as to who is watching them, I'm not sure this comes across as huge support.

A 39 year old man starts out well and considering the emasculation of the male population on the west coast I guess he did his best. He said, "Good for her. Well, not good that she shot him, but if somebody's breaking into your house ..."

My response to the story? When I read about it I said "Good for her." the end. She stood up to those who would do her harm. She was strong and she did the right thing. Good for her. Why is that so hard for some to say today. The burgler was wrong and evil and she was right and strong. It's rather sad, don't you think?

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