Monday, February 05, 2007

Allright already

I am trying to figure out how to get my past posts on separate pages and am having no luck with the simple layout stuff on here. What do I do so I don't have 500 posts on one page? Maybe someone can help me.

I can't believe that it's already February. I feel like time is flying and I can't get near the stuff I want done completed. Of course, it's not like I'm working night and day to make it happen. Mostly, it's stuff I don't want to have to do myself but I still want done. It would be nice to be able to hire people to do everything for you.

I don't have anything in particular on my mind, so I'll just address some fun stuff I've seen lately. First and foremost, I love the cavemen commercials from Geico. com. Have you seen the ads that look like they have taken out a full page ad to complain about the Geico commercial? It's now my background on my computer. The guys who play the cavemen really do a great job with their attitude and their facial expressions. They play it perfectly.

I just read a really fun website called I really liked the attitude of the poster. I think I may have a lot in common with her point of view. I am not a great formalizer in my education practices. I like to use textbooks and I like to be able to set them aside to learn that which is more interesting to my students. You can cover a lot of information from a textbook while also looking at points of interest in depth. Tomorrow, I think the kids and I will be looking at the Spartans and Athenians. Maybe we'll do something fun with our study. Maybe one can be an Athenian and the other a Spartan and I'll ask them what they would do as such in different situations. Maybe they will even think or something.

Has anyone used adsense on their blogspot? Have you ever had any objectionable advertisements on your site because of it? Can you still participate even if wish to have some advertisers removed?

Didn't watch the Super Bowl, never have. Don't care.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Holidays are over and life goes on.

It's great to have one time of the year to which you can look forward no matter what else is going on in the world. I know there are some who would castigate those who celebrate Christmas because it has ties to old pagan rituals or Catholic ties but I have to say, I'm glad it is not so with me and my family. It is nice to have a time of year in which you can focus on a celebration that has so much meaning. Christ's birth is the biggest thing that has happened in the history of mankind and I think it is appropriate to celebrate.

I'm not big on shopping but I don't even mind that during Christmas. The thing I enjoyed the most this year is that Christmas was a time to put my problems down and just enjoy time with family and friends.

As the new year begins, I have a few things I would like to see happen. I would like to see me loose some weight. The only problem is that I have to do something about it and that's a real bummer. Time will tell on that one. Also, I would like to be consistent in how I am able to home school over the next few years. So I hope that I choose the best curriculum.

Looking back at last year, (looking back is not something I do a lot) I can see that the Lord had his hand on life situations. I am amazed that he cares so much for each of us. I'm not always the best at bringing all my cares to Him and yet He knows them and He knows my heart. (And He loves me anyway, amazing.)

The most exciting thing about last year was the graduation of my oldest daugher, Frank. (A pseudonym--I really wouldn't name a girl Frank, but her friends would.) I was very excited for her as she entered a new phase of her life. She will always be our girl but we are happy to see her grow and mature. We are blessed in that she has found a school that she loves and is happy attending.

I don't know if anyone will really read this blog, besides Frank, and really I don't care. It's probably the only journal I will ever keep in my life. Since I'm such a computer junkie, it's a way for me to write things down in a somewhat regular way. Maybe someone will stumble upon it and find it amusing.


Thursday, October 19, 2006

I would take a stand but someone might be offended by it.

Today I read a story about a woman in Canyon Country, CA who shot a would be burgler. At first I laughed at the Sherriff who had to admit--apparently while his arm was twisted behind him--that "sometimes it pays to own a gun."

When I got to the details of the break in I could sympathize with the womans nervousness and fear. After all, she was about to discharge a firearm in California. The Lawsuit Capital of the World. The PC Capital of the World. Also, the Intolerant of Those with Traditional American Values Capital of the World.

At the end of the story I was disgusted with the response of the neighbors. They did not stand strong against the heinous crime of breaking into a innocent woman's home and threatening her in an effort to steal her possessions. This bold burgler (whose mother was waiting in the get away car--family values?) may have even committed other crimes had she not had that gun. Of course that's just speculation. He may have been the harmless Mr. Rogers kind of burgler who was just enjoying a day in the neighborhood.

One neighbor gave her somewhat wimpy support. She ended her comments by weakly asserting that she would feel fine leaving her children in the care of the poor victim. Considering that many woman dump their children off at daycares all across the country each day with little thought as to who is watching them, I'm not sure this comes across as huge support.

A 39 year old man starts out well and considering the emasculation of the male population on the west coast I guess he did his best. He said, "Good for her. Well, not good that she shot him, but if somebody's breaking into your house ..."

My response to the story? When I read about it I said "Good for her." the end. She stood up to those who would do her harm. She was strong and she did the right thing. Good for her. Why is that so hard for some to say today. The burgler was wrong and evil and she was right and strong. It's rather sad, don't you think?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Excellent, Humorous Political Ad

Drudge had a great posting tonight. He had a link up to YouTube's site which has a copy of David Zucker's humorous, satirical political ad. It is too funny. It is all about Madeleine Allbright's 2000 visit to N. Korea. Do we need to wonder why nukes are available there? The Kum-ba-ya policies of the 90's has lead to the world's only super-power looking like a super-weenie. Talking nice to dictator's has never worked. We seemingly learn nothing from history about them.

We don't have to go back too far to remember what appeasement does. We can look at many examples in recent history--and not just Hitler. Appeasement was also used to deal with the Soviet's for how many decades. Our children were cowering in fear of being nuked and what's the best we can do? Let's have some peace talks. Nothing changes. How many Camp David Peace Accords have we had for the Middle East? Yeah, those worked out so well.

We had better be serious about security in our country or we could see a world far different from the one in which we now live. In the past, we have not needed fences on our border's. Oh, we could have used one with Mexico. We good naturedly groused about the cost of illegals in this country but we didn't really do anything about it. Now it is critical that we do. Not just Mexican nationals are swarming over the borders but also al Quaeda and other terrorists who wish to do harm to this country. Let's not forget Canada. The borders are a little better there but not much. They have many people who immigrate to their country from areas that house terrorists. This is a danger to both countries.

Many Libertarians like to use the comment that "He who would give up freedom for security will have neither freedom nor security." (paraphrase) They are not thinking of the context of the day in which this was written. This was a time in history when curfews were common. There were many laws governing those who dwelt in the towns. Men and women of that day were people who strove for good character and a good reputation. It's a little different today. They were also fighting the British. People who fought according to a whole list and tradition of rules. They were not known to blow themselves up in the town square. I don't think we have to give up Constitutional liberties. We will probably have to deal with a little more of a hassel in our day to day lives. However, if we get to gettin' and take care of business, we might not have to see much change at all.

The November elections will show what is on the mind of the American people. I don't see too many people getting really excited out there. I'm not sure that they are going to want to change horses in mid-stream. I could be wrong--but I don't think so.

That is my political rant for the day.

Blogging Time

Thanks alot for linking to me Frank. (This is said with total sarcasm.) Now someone might actually look at my blog. Since I'm usually very opinionated, you would think the blogging thing would come naturally. Well, it would if I had alot of time to think about it.

This year has been really busy, as usual, but in a different way. This is the first year for me to be a homeschool mom. I have to say that I really am enjoying it. The funny thing is that everyone at church keeps asking me how I'm doing. I guess teaching a group of their kids in school is supposed to be easier than teaching two at home. I hate to tell them but dealing with my children is easier for me than dealing with all of their kids. If mine are being annoying I can just tell them so. Well, now that I think about it, I always told my students when they were annoying me at school too. I do miss working with my students at school and I feel that they are missing out with me not there but I had to take care of my own children first.

After the spate of school shootings that have taken place in the last few weeks, I find myself very grateful for the opportunities my children have had in their education. Most of these people wouldn't think about a school being in a church setting. Now that I'm homeschooling I don't have to worry at all. I'm with them and know they are safe. That being said, I'm not a real worrier and I do trust God to care for my children. It's just that this world is a wicked place and I'm glad I can be with my children each day. I really enjoy spending time with them. Well, I have to go for a walk with my kids now so I'll add to this post later. I have a few political observations to make.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

It All Adds Up to Terrorism

When I first read the news a couple of days ago about 11 missing Egyptian exchange students, I had my doubts regarding their "no threat" status. After all, over half had Muslim names and they all just wandered into our country without checking in to their assigned destination. My response to the reapeated assurances that these men "pose no threat" was "Yeah, whatever." I don't need a 2x4 up side my head to know when something doesn't add up.

This morning, lo and behold, the UK has thwarted a terrorist plot. AND not only that but the threat levels in this country are jacked up to the highest I can recall them being since 9/11. AND not only that but we still have 8 Egyptian men running around our country who haven't checked in to their destination. Of course the government is still telling us that these men "pose no threat." I suppose they want them turned in alive. Then I also hear how two men from Dearborn, MI were arrested this morning in Ohio. Guess what, they had airport itineraries and checkpoint information. They were immediately arrested and charged with money laundering for terroritst organizations. I wonder what else they will add to those charges before all is said and done.

As we ramp up to 9/11 it would be wise for everyone to remember that we are still waged in a battle against evil forces with people who want nothing more than to kill you unless you are willing to embrace their wild-eyed religious beliefs. We are so politically correct in this country, so afraid to lump innocents in with the guilty that we fail to speak out at all. Are we going to continue this fight or are we going to hand over the keys to the Statue of Liberty?

I hope this post makes sense to anyone reading it. I'm getting a little ticked off at the apathy we see today in many of our leaders. After all, war isn't pleasant. If it were fun, it would be a Club Med vacation destination. Instead, many of those who voted for this war are already looking to wimp out. It has taken our enemy thousands of years to achieve their takeover of so many countries, we're tired of the fight after four years.

By the way, this war has claimed lives--all wars do. We have still lost fewer fighting men and women in this war than in many of the battles fought in other wars. Read a history book people. At the very least, do a google search to read battle statistics. Our army is doing an awesome job and I have to say that I have deep respect and love for people who are willing to put their lives on the line for me and my family. God bless you all.

Let us all remember today to pray for our country and for our leaders.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Life Changes

Suddenly I find myself transitioning in several areas of my life. My oldest is off to college in a couple of weeks--that will definitely be different. I will be leaving my teaching job in a small school to teach my own children at home.

I wasn't planning on the second change; it's just how things worked out this year. Due to lack of funds at the school and lack of comprehension of math on my younger daughter's part, I decided to take my childrens education into my own hands.

Thankfully my sister-in-law is a homeschooling "professional" so she has been a great help. I am really excited about all the possibilites. Since neither of my children have real problems in any class, we won't have to struggle with learning issues.

The "lack of comprehension" that my daughter had in math last year had less to do with math and more to do with her teacher. When I voiced my concern to the principal, he told me that my daughter just didn't understand the teacher because 7th grade girls often don't connect with male teachers. I wondered what in the world that had to do with the fact that she was nearly failing in a class that I knew she should be passing. As a teacher, it is my job to make sure that my students understand me. While my daughter is often unmotivated and careless in math, she isn't stupid in math. The teacher never returned papers or even told me he was concerned--and I worked with him every day! Ah well, now her learning is in my hands and I am a strict task master.

Enough about me, I got a kick out of the posting on . They have been tracking down "photoshopped" pictures from the major news agencies. How fun. I can even tell the difference on these poorly worked pieces. What in the world was that guy thinking? In today's high tech world, you have to be pretty good to go undetected by the technically astute among us. My daughter received photoshop on her laptop and she does a better job. Not only that but she told me that this guy needs to hire someone she knows from a website she posts on. She said that he could get much better quality work if he'd just hire some of the people online who do it on a regular basis. I agree.

Friday, July 21, 2006

What did I do on my summer vacation? I took a class on the Industrial Revolution at the Henry Ford Museum. It is very interesting--not the class, although that was interesting. I mean spending a week with educators from around the country. If you looked at them as a whole it was just like being in a High School classroom. There was the class clown, the ADD students (several--in fact), the over-achiever's, the cool-kids, the geeky kids, and me--the commentator. I have a bit of trouble keeping all of my opinions to myself. I did try to be nice.

Back on the homefront, well, the house pretty much fell apart. It was fairly clean when I left on Monday morning. By the time I finished the week on Friday afternoon---well, let's just say that it looked like a stray bomb wandered into my kitchen. So much for everyone being old enough to take care of themselves. I'm not sure some people ever achieve that age.

The picture on the website is our adorable pup, Honey. She is a very sweet, very cute Schnoodle. (Schnauzer-Poodle mix). The picture is from last year when she was still a pup but she is still just as adorable.